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Software Test Automation Engineer - 2023 Summer Class
General Information
General Information - Class link & Welcome Kit etc:
Software Development Life Cycle + Agile Scrum Software Development + Testing Core Principles
Class Notes - SDLC, Agile, Testing Core, Intro to Progamming/CLI, SQL , API
Lucid Chart Diagrams and Visuals
Day 1 - Introduction to Software Development Life Cycle - Monday (08/28/2023) (136:48)
Day 2 - Introduction to Software Development Life Cycle + Agile Introduction- Tuesday (08/29/2023) (129:27)
TDD, SRS, Test Plan Sample Documents
Day 3 - Introduction to Agile Scrum - Thursday (08/31/2023) (157:29)
Day 4 - Agile Final Day + Introduction to SoftwareTesting Core Principles and Processes - Tuesday (09/05/2023) (150:28)
Day 5 - Testing Core Principles/Functional Testing - Thursday (09/07/2023) (156:23)
Day 6 - Introduction to Computers, Programming, File Directory and Command Line Interface - Monday (09/11/2023) (159:36)
Day 7 - Command Line Interface Continued and Testing Core - Tuesday (09/12/2023) (159:53)
JIRA Installation/Account/Project Set Up (11:35)
Day 8 - Testing Core + Introduction to JIRA + Functional Testing with Crater Application - Monday (09/18/2023) (161:56)
Day 9 - Testing Core + Introduction to JIRA + Functional Testing with Crater Application - Tuesday (09/19/2023) (150:29)
Day 10 - Functional Testing with Crater Application - Wednesday (09/20/2023) (181:50)
Day 11 - Functional Testing with Crater Application - Monday (09/25/2023) (159:32)
Day 12 - Functional Testing with Crater Application - Tuesday (09/26/2023) (162:48)
Day 13 - Functional Testing with Crater Application - Monday (10/02/2023) (162:57)
Day 14 - Functional Testing with Crater Application - Tuesday (10/03/2023) (174:00)
Day 15 - Introduction to Structured Query Language - Mysql Installation - SQL SELECT Statements - Monday (10/09/2023) (151:33)
Day 16 - SQL SELECT Statements (COUNT, DISTINCT, WHERE)- Tuesday (10/10/2023) (158:53)
Day 17 - SQL SELECT Statements (ORDER BY, IN, LIKE, ILIKE, BETWEEN) + Intro to GROUP BY statements - Monday (10/16/2023) (176:34)
Homework Database Installation
Day 18 - SQL Group BY wrap up + Introduction to JOINS/UNIONS in sql - Monday (10.23.2023) (179:51)
Day 19- INNER, OUTER, RIGHT, LEFT JOINS + Unions + Subquery + Introduction to DDL commands - Tuesday (10.24.2023) (165:51)
Day 20 - SQL DATA Definition Commands (Views, CREATE TABLE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, DROP) + Crater Backend Testing - Monday (10.30.2023) (183:46)
Day 21 - Introduction to API + REST webservices protocol rules + POSTMAN SET UP (11.6.2023) (154:31)
Day 22 - REST API Functional Testing + REST Webservices Automated Validations (179:04)
Day 23 - Automating Validations with REST API's + Postmnan Dynamic/Environment Variables + REST API Authorization (191:23)
Day 24 - REST API review + Scheduling Smoke Tests with POSTMAN + API Test flow (182:18)
Day 25 - Interview Process overview + Interview Mindset (02.01.24) (169:10)
Day 26- Resume Building + Tell me about yourself + Interview Recording Review (02.08.24) (216:30)
Resume Examples
Resume Repository
Day 27 - Tell me about yourself + Tell me about your project + Interview Recording Review Continued + Graduation Requirements (02.15.24) (211:26)
Day 28 - Tell me about your project + Interview Recording Review Continued + Graduation Requirements (02.22.24) (166:23)
Day 29 - Behavioral/Soft Skill Questions Overview and Practice (02.29.24) (230:34)
Day 30 - Interview Prep Continued (03.07.24) (202:42)
Project Review Session (03.08.24) (86:46)
Project Review Session 3 (03.15.24) (26:44)
Interview Questions
Interview Questions - SDLC, Agile, JIRA, and Functional Testing.
Interview Questions - JAVA Programming
Interview Questions - Web Automation
CRH Interviews
Cognizant Technical Interview (76:24)
JAVA Logical Programming Questions
Programming with JAVA
Class Notes - JAVA
Code Lab Registration
Pre-class - JDK - IDE - Config - First Hello World - Variables (18:25)
Day 1 - JDK - IDE - Config - First Hello World - Variable - (09.14.2023) (156:12)
Pre-Class - Java Variables and Primitive Data Types (27:14)
Day 2 - Java Variables and Primitive Data Types Thursday - (09.28.2023) (163:01)
Day 3 - Java Operators Wednesday - (10.04.2023) (165:16)
Day 4 - Java Operators Thursday - (10.05.2023) (91:27)
Day 5 - Conditional Statements, Scanner Class Thursday - (10.12.2023) (159:14)
Day 6 - Conditional Statements continued , String Class Tuesday - (10.17.2023) (175:44)
Day 7 - String Class and String Methods Thursday - (10.19.2023) (167:37)
Day 8 -Arrays in JAVA - Thursday - (10.26.2023) (179:40)
Day 9 -Loops in JAVA - Tuesday - (10.31.2023) (159:19)
Day 10 -Continuing Loops in JAVA - Thursday - (11.06.2023) (161:46)
Day 11 -Class and Object in JAVA - Thursday - (11.06.2023) (155:07)
Day 12 -JAVA Methods, Static keyword, This., local and Global variables - Monday - (11.20.2023) (169:53)
Day 13 -PART 2 JAVA Methods, Static keyword, This., local and Global variables - Tuesday - (11.21.2023) (155:30)
Day 14 -JAVA Constructors, OOPs Concepts : Encapsulation - Wednesday - (11.22.2023) (148:06)
Day 15 - OOPs Concepts : Inheritance - Monday (11.27.2023) (141:09)
Day 16 - OOPs Concepts : Inheritance continued - Tuesday (11.28.2023) (131:33)
Day 17 - OPPs Concepts : Abstraction In JAVA (Abstract class + Interface) - Thursday (11.30.2023) (140:34)
Day 18 - OPPs Concepts : Abstraction continued + Polymorphism - Monday (12.04.2023) (160:39)
Day 19 - OPPs Concepts. : Polymorphism - Tuesday (12.04.2023) (154:49)
Day 20 - JAVA Exceptions Handling - Thursday (12.07.2023) (134:11)
Day 21 - JAVA Exceptions Handling (Review) - Wednesday (12.13.2023) (146:06)
Day 22 - JAVA Collections (ArrayList) - Thursday (12.14.2023) (124:22)
Day 23 - JAVA Collections (List & Set) continued - Monday (12.18.2023) (144:46)
Day 24 - JAVA Collections(Set & Maps) Tuesday - (12.19.2023) (141:37)
Hands On Lab Sessions
Session 1 - Command Line Interface - Wednesday (09/13/2023) (144:39)
Session 2 - Functional Testing - Thursday (09/21/2023) (159:04)
Session 3 - Functional Testing - Wednesday (09/27/2023) (98:57)
Java - Variables and Operators - Wednesday (10/11/2023) - Bijan (81:41)
Java - if statements and scanner - Wednesday (10/18/2023) - Bijan (133:44)
Java - String Methods - Wednesday (11/01/2023) - Bijan) (98:52)
Java - Loops (For, While, and Do While) - Wednesday (11/08/2023) - Bijan (130:13)
Java - Loops (For, ForEach, While, and Do While) - Wednesday (11/15/2023) - Bijan (86:47)
API & Functional Testing (Postman, Jira, and Confluence) - Wednesday (11/29/2023) - Bijan (101:49)
API & Functional Testing (Postman, Jira, and Confluence) Part 2 - Wednesday (12/7/2023) - Bijan (99:22)
API & Functional Testing (Postman, Jira, and Confluence) Part 3 - Monday (12/11/2023) - Bijan (98:33)
UI Functional Testing (Jira and Confluence) - Monday (12/12/2023) - Bijan (122:44)
Java - ArrayList - Wednesday (12/20/2023) - Bijan (80:55)
Java - Collections (Map, Set, Iterator) - Wednesday (12/27/2023) - Bijan (63:22)
Selenium - Locators - Wednesday (01/10/2024) - Bijan (114:15)
Web Testing and Automation Frameworks
Web Architecture - Understanding how websites work (Dec 21, Thursday) (163:39)
Intro to HTML (Dec 26, Tuesday) (157:54)
HTML CSS - (Dec 28, Thursday) (158:46)
HTML CSS Dev Labs (Jan 02, 2024, Tuesday) (160:43)
Day 1 - Intro to Selenium webdriver & basic locators & functions (158:12)
Day 2 - Selenium basic locators (Monday - Jan 08, 2024) (149:13)
Day 3 - Advanced locators - Xpath (Tuesday - Jan 09, 2024) (164:32)
Day 4 - Advanced locators - Xpath CSS continues (Thursday - Jan 11, 2024) (161:01)
Day 5 - Working With WebElement - (Tuesday - Jan 16, 2024) (157:36)
Day 6 - WebElement and Status - Class Activities (Thursday - Jan 18) (167:40)
Day 7 - Maven project and Select dropdown - (Monday - Jan 22) (159:46)
Day 8 - Multi Select - WebDriver Wait - Alert (Tuesday - Jan 23) (147:39)
Wednesday Review Session - (Jan 24, 2024) (133:34)
Day 9 - Window handles and iframes (Thursday - Jan 25, 2024) (157:51)
Day 10 - Actions class - (Monday - Jan 29, 2024) (162:56)
Day 11 - Utilities, properties file and Driver Singleton - (Tuesday - Jan 30, 2024) (156:05)
Day 12 - Page object model design - (Monday - Feb 5, 2024) (156:56)
Day 13 - Git - Source code management system (SCM) - (Tuesday - Feb 6, 2024) (157:47)
Day 14 - Git continues (Wednesday - Feb 7, 2024) (162:32)
Day 15 - Intro to Cucumber (Monday - Feb 12, 2024) (169:28)
Day 16 - Cucumber continues (Tuesday - Feb 13, 2024) (158:44)
Day 17 - Cucumber scenario outlines, background and hooks (Wed - Feb 14, 2024) (126:31)
Day 18 - Cucumber step parametrization and racap (Mon - Feb 19, 2024) (159:50)
Day 19 - Framework design and Crater Financials Project (Tue - Feb 20, 2024) (162:20)
Day 20 - Crater financial Item Management (Wed - Feb 21, 2024) (130:41)
Day 21 - Crater Item update scenario (Mon - Feb 26, 2024) (151:54)
Day 22 - Jenkins & CI/CD & smoke and regression tests (Tue 27, 2024) (160:11)
Day 23 - Jenkins scheduling and API (Web 28, 2024) (121:17)
Day 24 - Crater Financial API Postman Collection (Mon - Mar 04, 2024) (161:21)
Day 25 - Crater Financial API with RestAssured (Tue - Mar 05, 2024) (73:41)
Day 26 - Crater Financial API Item management (Wed - Mar 06, 2024) (130:59)
Day 27 - Crater Financial API with RestAssured (Mon - Mar 11, 2024) (147:06)
Day 28 - TestNG test suite and parallel execution - README (Tue - Mar 12, 2024) (153:26)
Day 29 - Framework ReadMe and Framework structure - cucumber rerun (Wed - Mar 13, 2024) (154:02)
Day 30 - Saucelabs and JDBC demo (Thur - Mar 14, 2024) (158:04)
Bootcamp - Interview prep
Day 1 - Interview prep (Mon - Mar 18, 2024) (153:21)
Day 2 - Interview prep (Tue - Mar 19, 2024) (57:50)
Day 3 - Interview prep (Wed - Mar 20, 2024) (156:48)
Day 4 - Interview prep (Thur - Mar 21, 2024) (231:20)
Playwright Cucumber Framework in Java (Workshop Content)
Playwright cucumber in Java workshop (239:35)
Graduation/Final Projects
Graduation Day (03.23.2024) (121:16)
Davron Final Project (26:48)
Weekly Market Status Call - Week 1 (04.05.24) (44:44)
Weekly Market Status Call - Week 2 (04.12.24) (67:21)
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Lucid Chart Diagrams and Visuals
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