Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Example Text
Use this Text block to tell your course or coaching’s story.
Write anything from one-liners to detailed paragraphs that tell your visitors more about what you’re selling.
This block - along with other blocks that contain text content - supports various text formatting such as header sizes, font styles, alignment, ordered and unordered lists, hyperlinks and colors.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Curriculum
- Class Notes - SDLC, Agile, Testing Core, Intro to Progamming/CLI, SQL , API
- Lucid Chart Diagrams and Visuals
- Day 1 - Introduction to Software Development Life Cycle - Monday (08/28/2023) (136:48)
- Day 2 - Introduction to Software Development Life Cycle + Agile Introduction- Tuesday (08/29/2023) (129:27)
- TDD, SRS, Test Plan Sample Documents
- Day 3 - Introduction to Agile Scrum - Thursday (08/31/2023) (157:29)
- Day 4 - Agile Final Day + Introduction to SoftwareTesting Core Principles and Processes - Tuesday (09/05/2023) (150:28)
- Day 5 - Testing Core Principles/Functional Testing - Thursday (09/07/2023) (156:23)
- Day 6 - Introduction to Computers, Programming, File Directory and Command Line Interface - Monday (09/11/2023) (159:36)
- Day 7 - Command Line Interface Continued and Testing Core - Tuesday (09/12/2023) (159:53)
- JIRA Installation/Account/Project Set Up (11:35)
- Day 8 - Testing Core + Introduction to JIRA + Functional Testing with Crater Application - Monday (09/18/2023) (161:56)
- Day 9 - Testing Core + Introduction to JIRA + Functional Testing with Crater Application - Tuesday (09/19/2023) (150:29)
- Day 10 - Functional Testing with Crater Application - Wednesday (09/20/2023) (181:50)
- Day 11 - Functional Testing with Crater Application - Monday (09/25/2023) (159:32)
- Day 12 - Functional Testing with Crater Application - Tuesday (09/26/2023) (162:48)
- Day 13 - Functional Testing with Crater Application - Monday (10/02/2023) (162:57)
- Day 14 - Functional Testing with Crater Application - Tuesday (10/03/2023) (174:00)
- Day 15 - Introduction to Structured Query Language - Mysql Installation - SQL SELECT Statements - Monday (10/09/2023) (151:33)
- Day 16 - SQL SELECT Statements (COUNT, DISTINCT, WHERE)- Tuesday (10/10/2023) (158:53)
- Day 17 - SQL SELECT Statements (ORDER BY, IN, LIKE, ILIKE, BETWEEN) + Intro to GROUP BY statements - Monday (10/16/2023) (176:34)
- Homework Database Installation
- Day 18 - SQL Group BY wrap up + Introduction to JOINS/UNIONS in sql - Monday (10.23.2023) (179:51)
- Day 19- INNER, OUTER, RIGHT, LEFT JOINS + Unions + Subquery + Introduction to DDL commands - Tuesday (10.24.2023) (165:51)
- Day 20 - SQL DATA Definition Commands (Views, CREATE TABLE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, DROP) + Crater Backend Testing - Monday (10.30.2023) (183:46)
- Day 21 - Introduction to API + REST webservices protocol rules + POSTMAN SET UP (11.6.2023) (154:31)
- Day 22 - REST API Functional Testing + REST Webservices Automated Validations (179:04)
- Day 23 - Automating Validations with REST API's + Postmnan Dynamic/Environment Variables + REST API Authorization (191:23)
- Day 24 - REST API review + Scheduling Smoke Tests with POSTMAN + API Test flow (182:18)
- Day 25 - Interview Process overview + Interview Mindset (02.01.24) (169:10)
- Day 26- Resume Building + Tell me about yourself + Interview Recording Review (02.08.24) (216:30)
- Resume Examples
- Resume Repository
- Day 27 - Tell me about yourself + Tell me about your project + Interview Recording Review Continued + Graduation Requirements (02.15.24) (211:26)
- Day 28 - Tell me about your project + Interview Recording Review Continued + Graduation Requirements (02.22.24) (166:23)
- Day 29 - Behavioral/Soft Skill Questions Overview and Practice (02.29.24) (230:34)
- Day 30 - Interview Prep Continued (03.07.24) (202:42)
- Project Review Session (03.08.24) (86:46)
- Project Review Session 3 (03.15.24) (26:44)
- Class Notes - JAVA
- Code Lab Registration
- Pre-class - JDK - IDE - Config - First Hello World - Variables (18:25)
- Day 1 - JDK - IDE - Config - First Hello World - Variable - (09.14.2023) (156:12)
- Pre-Class - Java Variables and Primitive Data Types (27:14)
- Day 2 - Java Variables and Primitive Data Types Thursday - (09.28.2023) (163:01)
- Day 3 - Java Operators Wednesday - (10.04.2023) (165:16)
- Day 4 - Java Operators Thursday - (10.05.2023) (91:27)
- Day 5 - Conditional Statements, Scanner Class Thursday - (10.12.2023) (159:14)
- Day 6 - Conditional Statements continued , String Class Tuesday - (10.17.2023) (175:44)
- Day 7 - String Class and String Methods Thursday - (10.19.2023) (167:37)
- Day 8 -Arrays in JAVA - Thursday - (10.26.2023) (179:40)
- Day 9 -Loops in JAVA - Tuesday - (10.31.2023) (159:19)
- Day 10 -Continuing Loops in JAVA - Thursday - (11.06.2023) (161:46)
- Day 11 -Class and Object in JAVA - Thursday - (11.06.2023) (155:07)
- Day 12 -JAVA Methods, Static keyword, This., local and Global variables - Monday - (11.20.2023) (169:53)
- Day 13 -PART 2 JAVA Methods, Static keyword, This., local and Global variables - Tuesday - (11.21.2023) (155:30)
- Day 14 -JAVA Constructors, OOPs Concepts : Encapsulation - Wednesday - (11.22.2023) (148:06)
- Day 15 - OOPs Concepts : Inheritance - Monday (11.27.2023) (141:09)
- Day 16 - OOPs Concepts : Inheritance continued - Tuesday (11.28.2023) (131:33)
- Day 17 - OPPs Concepts : Abstraction In JAVA (Abstract class + Interface) - Thursday (11.30.2023) (140:34)
- Day 18 - OPPs Concepts : Abstraction continued + Polymorphism - Monday (12.04.2023) (160:39)
- Day 19 - OPPs Concepts. : Polymorphism - Tuesday (12.04.2023) (154:49)
- Day 20 - JAVA Exceptions Handling - Thursday (12.07.2023) (134:11)
- Day 21 - JAVA Exceptions Handling (Review) - Wednesday (12.13.2023) (146:06)
- Day 22 - JAVA Collections (ArrayList) - Thursday (12.14.2023) (124:22)
- Day 23 - JAVA Collections (List & Set) continued - Monday (12.18.2023) (144:46)
- Day 24 - JAVA Collections(Set & Maps) Tuesday - (12.19.2023) (141:37)
- Session 1 - Command Line Interface - Wednesday (09/13/2023) (144:39)
- Session 2 - Functional Testing - Thursday (09/21/2023) (159:04)
- Session 3 - Functional Testing - Wednesday (09/27/2023) (98:57)
- Java - Variables and Operators - Wednesday (10/11/2023) - Bijan (81:41)
- Java - if statements and scanner - Wednesday (10/18/2023) - Bijan (133:44)
- Java - String Methods - Wednesday (11/01/2023) - Bijan) (98:52)
- Java - Loops (For, While, and Do While) - Wednesday (11/08/2023) - Bijan (130:13)
- Java - Loops (For, ForEach, While, and Do While) - Wednesday (11/15/2023) - Bijan (86:47)
- API & Functional Testing (Postman, Jira, and Confluence) - Wednesday (11/29/2023) - Bijan (101:49)
- API & Functional Testing (Postman, Jira, and Confluence) Part 2 - Wednesday (12/7/2023) - Bijan (99:22)
- API & Functional Testing (Postman, Jira, and Confluence) Part 3 - Monday (12/11/2023) - Bijan (98:33)
- UI Functional Testing (Jira and Confluence) - Monday (12/12/2023) - Bijan (122:44)
- Java - ArrayList - Wednesday (12/20/2023) - Bijan (80:55)
- Java - Collections (Map, Set, Iterator) - Wednesday (12/27/2023) - Bijan (63:22)
- Selenium - Locators - Wednesday (01/10/2024) - Bijan (114:15)
- Web Architecture - Understanding how websites work (Dec 21, Thursday) (163:39)
- Intro to HTML (Dec 26, Tuesday) (157:54)
- HTML CSS - (Dec 28, Thursday) (158:46)
- HTML CSS Dev Labs (Jan 02, 2024, Tuesday) (160:43)
- Day 1 - Intro to Selenium webdriver & basic locators & functions (158:12)
- Day 2 - Selenium basic locators (Monday - Jan 08, 2024) (149:13)
- Day 3 - Advanced locators - Xpath (Tuesday - Jan 09, 2024) (164:32)
- Day 4 - Advanced locators - Xpath CSS continues (Thursday - Jan 11, 2024) (161:01)
- Day 5 - Working With WebElement - (Tuesday - Jan 16, 2024) (157:36)
- Day 6 - WebElement and Status - Class Activities (Thursday - Jan 18) (167:40)
- Day 7 - Maven project and Select dropdown - (Monday - Jan 22) (159:46)
- Day 8 - Multi Select - WebDriver Wait - Alert (Tuesday - Jan 23) (147:39)
- Wednesday Review Session - (Jan 24, 2024) (133:34)
- Day 9 - Window handles and iframes (Thursday - Jan 25, 2024) (157:51)
- Day 10 - Actions class - (Monday - Jan 29, 2024) (162:56)
- Day 11 - Utilities, properties file and Driver Singleton - (Tuesday - Jan 30, 2024) (156:05)
- Day 12 - Page object model design - (Monday - Feb 5, 2024) (156:56)
- Day 13 - Git - Source code management system (SCM) - (Tuesday - Feb 6, 2024) (157:47)
- Day 14 - Git continues (Wednesday - Feb 7, 2024) (162:32)
- Day 15 - Intro to Cucumber (Monday - Feb 12, 2024) (169:28)
- Day 16 - Cucumber continues (Tuesday - Feb 13, 2024) (158:44)
- Day 17 - Cucumber scenario outlines, background and hooks (Wed - Feb 14, 2024) (126:31)
- Day 18 - Cucumber step parametrization and racap (Mon - Feb 19, 2024) (159:50)
- Day 19 - Framework design and Crater Financials Project (Tue - Feb 20, 2024) (162:20)
- Day 20 - Crater financial Item Management (Wed - Feb 21, 2024) (130:41)
- Day 21 - Crater Item update scenario (Mon - Feb 26, 2024) (151:54)
- Day 22 - Jenkins & CI/CD & smoke and regression tests (Tue 27, 2024) (160:11)
- Day 23 - Jenkins scheduling and API (Web 28, 2024) (121:17)
- Day 24 - Crater Financial API Postman Collection (Mon - Mar 04, 2024) (161:21)
- Day 25 - Crater Financial API with RestAssured (Tue - Mar 05, 2024) (73:41)
- Day 26 - Crater Financial API Item management (Wed - Mar 06, 2024) (130:59)
- Day 27 - Crater Financial API with RestAssured (Mon - Mar 11, 2024) (147:06)
- Day 28 - TestNG test suite and parallel execution - README (Tue - Mar 12, 2024) (153:26)
- Day 29 - Framework ReadMe and Framework structure - cucumber rerun (Wed - Mar 13, 2024) (154:02)
- Day 30 - Saucelabs and JDBC demo (Thur - Mar 14, 2024) (158:04)
Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Example Featured Products
Showcase other available courses, bundles, and coaching products you’re selling with the Featured Products block to provide alternatives to visitors who may not be interested in this specific product.