Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Example Text
Use this Text block to tell your course or coaching’s story.
Write anything from one-liners to detailed paragraphs that tell your visitors more about what you’re selling.
This block - along with other blocks that contain text content - supports various text formatting such as header sizes, font styles, alignment, ordered and unordered lists, hyperlinks and colors.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Curriculum
- Day 1 - Introduction to Software Development Lifecycle and Agile Scrum (04.01.2024) (139:27)
- Day 2 - Agile Scrum Continued (04.02.2024) (153:47)
- Day 3 - Agile Scrum Continued + Introduction To Programming/Command Line Interface (04.05.2024) (154:24)
- Day 4 - Command Line Interface Continued (04.08.2024) (134:59)
- Day 5 - Command Line Interface Final Review and Wrap Up (04.09.2024) (104:16)
- Day 6 - Introduction to Functional Testing (04.18.2024) (148:11)
- JIRA Set Up (11:36)
- Day 7 - Introduction to JIRA/X-Ray + Functional Testing Terminology continued (04.25.2024) (159:42)
- Day 8 - Introduction to Test Case/Defects + Gherkin + Crater Hands On Testing Login Module (04.30.2024) (166:12)
- Day 9 - Test Case Techniques + Crater Hands On Testing Login Module (05.02.2024) (173:38)
- Day 10 - Test Case Techniques + Crater Hands On Testing Login + Customer Modules (05.09.2024) (178:16)
- Day 11 - Test Case Techniques + Crater Hands On Testing + Items Module (5.13.2024) (175:24)
- Day 12 - Test Case Techniques + Crater Hands On Testing + Invoices Module (5.14.2024) (164:02)
- Day 13 - Test Case Techniques + Crater Hands On Testing + Payment Module (5.22.2024) (118:52)
- Replit Tutorial (6:06)
- JDK + Eclipse Installation Videos (18:27)
- Day 1 - JDK/Eclipse Installation + Intro to Programming/JAVA Components + Running your first JAVA Program using Command Line Interface (46:53)
- Day 2 - JDK/Eclipse Installation + Intro to Programming/JAVA Components + Running your first JAVA Program using Command Line Interface + Introduction to JAVA variables (04.11.2024) (187:17)
- Day 3 - Basic JAVA Syntax + Introduction to JAVA Variables and Data Types (04.15.2024) (161:19)
- Day 4 - JAVA Variables + Data Types + Variable Types + Type Casting (04.16.2024) (156:10)
- Day 5 - JAVA Variables Wrap Up + Introduction to JAVA operators (04.22.2024) (157:08)
- Day 6 - JAVA Operators Continued (04.23.2024) (170:34)
- Replit Assignment 2 - JAVA Variables review
- Day 7 - JAVA Operators Wrap up + Introduction to JAVA Conditional Statements (04.29.2024) (191:46)
- JAVA Variable + Arithmetic Operators Quiz
- Day 8 - Introduction to JAVA Conditional Statements + Switch Case Statements + Scanner Part 1 (05.06.2024) (183:55)
- Day 9 - Introduction to JAVA Conditional Statements + Switch Case Statements + Scanner Part 2 (05.07.2024) (201:22)
- Replit Assignment 3 - JAVA Operators + Conditional Statements
- Day 10 - Conditional Statements Review + Introduction to Scanner + Introduction to String Class and Methods (05.16.2024) (175:22)
- Day 11 - String Class and Methods (05.20.2024) (189:14)
- Day 12 - String Class and Methods Continued (05.21.2024) (181:56)
- Replit Assignment 4 - JAVA String Methods
- Day 13 - String Buffer, String Builder Overview, + JAVA Loops (For Loop, While Loop, and Do While Loop) (05.28.2024) (179:08)
- Day 14 - JAVA Loops Continued (For Loop, While Loop, and Do While Loop) (05.30.2024) (175:40)
- Day 15 - JAVA Loops Continued (For Loop, While Loop, and Do While Loop) (06.03.2024) (192:57)
- Day 16 - JAVA Loops Continued ( While Loop, and Do While Loop) + JAVA Arrays + JAVA For Each Loop (06.04.2024) (179:07)
- Day 17 - JAVA Array Class + Methods + For Each Loop (06.06.2024) (172:52)
- Day 18 - JAVA Class Design + Class and Object relationship + Creating Custom Classes + Methods with return keyword (06.11.2024) (179:40)
- Replit Assignment 5 - JAVA String Builder and String Buffer
- Replit Assigment 6 - JAVA Loops
- Replit Assignment 7 - JAVA Arrays
- Day 19 - Creating Methods and Constructors in JAVA (06.11.2024) (208:36)
- Day 20 - Creating Methods and Constructors in JAVA (06.13.2024) (180:35)
- Day 21 - Constructors, Static Members, Use of AI tools in testing (06.18.2024) (209:56)
- Day 22 - Use of AI tools in testing + JAVA Access Modifiers + OOP - Encapsulation (06.20.2024) (180:22)
- Day 23 - Introduction to JAVA OOP-Enapsulation (06.24.2024) (191:50)
- Day 24 - Introduction to JAVA OOP-Inheritance (06.25.2024) (197:07)
- Day 25 - JAVA Hands on Lab (06.27.2024) (131:10)
- Day 26 - JAVA Inheritance Continued (07.01.2024) (186:52)
- Replit Assignment 8 - JAVA Inheritance
- Day 27 - Introduction to JAVA OOP-Abstraction (07.02.2024) (148:29)
- Day 28 - Introduction to JAVA OOP-Abstraction-Interface (07.08.2024) (172:08)
- Day 29 - JAVA OOP-Abstraction-Interface-Polymorphism (07.09.2024) (184:24)
- JAVA Replit Assignment 8 - JAVA OOP
- Day 30 - JAVA OOP - Polymorphism - OOP Wrap Up - Introduction to JAVA Collections (07.15.2024) (176:02)
- Day 31 - JAVA Collections Framework - Array List (07.16.2024) (176:34)
- Day 32- JAVA Collections Framework - Array List and HashSet (07.22.2024) (182:12)
- Day 33- JAVA Collections Framework - HashMap + JAVA Collections Practice (07.23.2024) (161:55)
- JAVA Replit Assignment 9 - JAVA Polymorphism
- JAVA Replit Assignment 10 - JAVA Collections LIST, SET, MAP
- Day 34- JAVA Exception Handling + Data Structures Practice (07.29.2024) (202:11)
- JAVA Final Assessment - Quiz
- JAVA Final Assesment - Coding Exercises
- Mysql Server + Mysql workbench + Sample Database Installation/Set Up (16:18)
- SQL Cheat Sheet/Class Notes
- Day 1 - Introduction to SQL/Database Testing + SELECT Statements in SQL (08.05.2024) (174:55)
- Day 3- SQL AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS , GROUP BY/HAVING CLAUSE , Introduction to JOINS(08.12.2024) (150:31)
- Day 4- SQL JOINS (INNER, RIGHT, LEFT, FULL, SELF) + UNION (08.13.2024) (127:10)
- Day 5- SQL Subqueries + SQL DDL Commands (08.19.2024) (184:59)
- SQL Homework DB Set Up
- SQL Homework Assignment 1
- SQL Homework Assignment 2
- SQL Homework Assignment 3
- SQL Homework Assignment 4
- SQL Homework Assignment 5
- Day 1 - Application Programming Interface Theory and terminology, Introduction to POSTMAN and Testing Webservices. (163:12)
- POSTMAN Set Up Instructions
- Day 2 - REST API Theory + API Testing Process + API Testing with Crater Endpoints (09.30.2024) (131:57)
- Day 3 - API Testing Process + API Testing with Crater Endpoints (130:56)
- Day 4 - Rest API Authorization (163:02)
- Web Test Automation Class Notes
- primetech-spring2024-selenium-intro
- primetech-cucumber-framework
- primetech-testng-spring-2024
- Day 1 - Intro to Web Architecture - Understanding how websites work (7.11.2024) (163:50)
- Day 2 - Intro to HTML (07.18.2024) (169:45)
- Day 3 - HTML & CSS (07.25.2024) (160:18)
- Day 4 - HTML & CSS Continued (07.30.2024) (168:41)
- Day 5 - Intro to Selenium Webdriver (08.01.2024) (175:18)
- Day 6 - Selenium Basic Locators and functions (08.08.2024) (164:09)
- Day 7 - Selenium more Locators (08.15.2024) (157:39)
- Day 8 - Selenium Advanced Locators - xPath and CssSelector (08.20.2024) (162:23)
- Day 9 - xpath Continue and WebElement Functions (08.22.2024) (158:42)
- Day 10 - WebElement Functions Part2 (08.26.2024) (161:48)
- Day 11 - WebElement Functions Part3 (08.27.2024) (164:16)
- Day 12 - WebElement Functions Part 4 (08.29.2024) (160:51)
- Day 13 - WebElement Functions Part 5 (09.02.2024) (165:02)
- Day 14 - WebElement Function Part 6 (Frame/Actions) (09.03.2024) (156:03)
- Review with Helil - Selenium basics - Wednesday (09.04.2024) (179:07)
- Day 15 - Selenium Utilities (09.05.2024) (156:11)
- Day 16 - Selenium Framework (09.09.2024) (161:55)
- Day 17 - Selenium Framework Part2 and Git part1 (09.10.2024) (161:56)
- Review with Helil - Selenium Functions- Wednesday (09.11.2024) (168:33)
- Day 18 - Git Part2 (09.12.2024) (85:41)
- Day 19 - Git Part3 and Maven (09.16.2024) (159:44)
- Day 20 - Intro to Cucumber BDD (09.17.2024) (163:20)
- Review with Helil - Selenium iFrame, Page object model - Wednesday (09.18.2024) (163:42)
- Day 21 - Cucumber Part 2 (09.23.2024) (162:51)
- Day 22 - Cucumber Part 3 (09.24.2024) (141:43)
- Review with Helil - Git basics - Wednesday (09.25.2024) (113:38)
- Day 23 - Cucumber Part 4 Background/Rule/Hooks (09.26.2024) (167:51)
- Review with Helil - Cucumber - Wednesday (10.02.2024) (119:57)
- Day 24 - Cucumber Part 5 Scenario Outline/Datatables (10.03.2024) (167:11)
- Day 25 - Cucumber Part 6 - Creating test cases (10.07.2024) (159:47)
- Day 26 - Cucumber Part 7 - Creating test cases Part 2 (10.08.2024) (157:36)
- Day 27 - Maven Goals (10.10.2024) (137:29)
- Day 28 - Jenkins (10.14.2024) (163:56)
- Day 29 - Intro to TestNG (10.15.2024) (174:26)
- Review with Helil - Crater API with Postman - Wednesday (10.16.2024) (130:13)
- Day 30 - TestNG part 2 (10.21.2024) (165:15)
- Day 31 - TestNG part 3 (10.22.2024) (162:01)
- Day 32 - TestNG part 4 - DataProvider/ReadExcel (10.24.2024) (148:53)
- Day 33 - Intro to RestAssured (10.28.2024) (157:29)
- Day 34 - RestAssured Part 2 (10.29.2024) (143:14)
- Review with Helil - All about Framework - Cucumber VS TestNG (10.30.2024) (136:18)
- Day 35 - RestAssured Part 3 Post/Put/SchemaValidation (10.31.2024) (140:54)
- Day 36 - RestAssured Final Crater App API (11.04.2024) (161:21)
- Day 37 - DB Testing with Java (11.05.2024) (160:04)
- Day 38 - Db Testing Part 2 & SauceLabs (156:03)
- Day 39 - Logging and Debugging (175:35)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 1 (04.06.2024) (40:58)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 2 (04.10.2024) (72:40)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 3 (4.18.2024) (105:00)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 4 ( 4. 24. 2024) (83:11)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 5 (5.1.2024) (184:52)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 6 (5.8.2024) (170:50)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 7 (5.15.2024) (67:41)
- Interview /Soft Skills Review Session 8 (5.22.2024) (24:41)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 9 (5.29.2024) (3:49)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 10 (6.5.2024)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 14 ( 7.3.2024) (55:21)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 15 (7.11.2024) (38:06)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 16 (7.17.2024) (97:32)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 17 (7.31.2024) (63:43)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 18 (8.15.2024) (64:16)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 19 (8.21.2024) (60:21)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 20 (8.28.2024) (65:18)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 21 (9.6.2024) (85:57)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 22 (9.20.2024) (26:34)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 23 (9.27.2024) (63:05)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 24 (10.4.2024) (11:45)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session with Ajay (10.09.2024) (92:38)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 25 (10.11.2024) (75:48)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session 26 (10.25.2024) (68:05)
- New Lesson
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session with Mohamed - Selenium(11.11.2024) (152:27)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session with Mohamed - Selenium Part 2(11.12.2024) (175:01)
- Interview/Soft Skills Review Session with Mohamed - Cucumber/API (11.14.2024)) (163:46)
- Introduction to Playwright Framework with Helil (11.18.2024) (114:52)
- Playwright Framework final workout with Helil (11.19.2024) (113:25)
- Testing Process and Procedures with Ajay (11.20.2024) (171:34)
- Testing Process and Procedures with Ajay (11.21.2024) (218:17)
- Day 2 - Resume Building, ATS, AI tools to customize resumes (10.15.2024) (127:13)
- Day 4 - LinkedIn Optimization (10.21.2024) (128:24)
- Day 6 - Applying for Jobs on Linkedin , customizing resumes for job applications (10.23.2024) (130:44)
- Day 8 - AI search tools, How to prepare for job interview using AI tools (10.29.2024) (102:58)
- Day 7 - Resume Editing (116:55)
Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Example Featured Products
Showcase other available courses, bundles, and coaching products you’re selling with the Featured Products block to provide alternatives to visitors who may not be interested in this specific product.